Monday, September 20, 2010

Grunge and Sunshine? What's that supposed to mean?

Grunge is almost a sort of lifestyle. Unique individuals with tattoos and green mohawks, living a more gritty and hardcore kind of life than average. Think indie, bohemian and alternative. Grunge artists secede from conventionality in both life and art.

Sunshine is more of a personality. Someone who centers on brightness, happiness and other "esses". Think Bob Ross or Julia Child.

These are the two extremes of the art world, the two extremes that I tend to embody in myself. I adhere to my ethics and morals with a passion, yet I yearn towards the alternative and bohemian freedom.

Grunge and sunshine. A complex combination of two conflicting choices. Rather than chose between, I take elements of both.

So, hardcore happiness and bright alternatives. Literally, the best of both worlds.


  1. What an awesome beginning! Ilove the background, too. Very much fits the dreamer. Dreamer, eh? Reminds me of someone else......

  2. So you're a hippie vampire? hehee...

  3. What the...No! How would that even work? Would there be a vampire wearing a tie-dye shirt with a big peace symbol on it, making daisy chain necklaces while reading Bram Stoker's Dracula:101 A Guide to the Nosferatu & You?


Who the heck are you?

My photo
I am an artist masquerading as an adult masquerading as an artist. Actually, I'm really a daydreamer with a master's degree in procrastination, and I enjoy sitting in my spare room turned studio sipping red wine and painting, sketching, writing, crafting, photographing, doodling and daydreaming. (Oh, did I mention I like daydreaming?) I believe that art is the communication of an unspoken language between souls, and here in my little corner of the world, I hope to create something that speaks to your soul, and invokes a spark of passion, a taste of joy or even just a whisper of possibilites.
